For demonstrating the fact that beyond money making, business is equally about innovation and adding value to the society. For proving that where a person runs his business is actually not a limiting factor and for being a great ambassador of the Onitsha business community, Don Ebubeogu is ANAMBRA PERSON OF THE WEEK.
Mr Don Ebubeogu is the Managing Director of Tiger Foods Ltd. Tiger Foods is one of the fastest growing companies in the Nigeria’s food and Beverage industries. A company founded in 1983 as a family business and grew into importation, exportation and manufacturing of high quality products which include spices, seasoning and dehydrated vegetables.
The Tiger Foods brand symbolizes the power of local content and how indigenous companies can emerge into global players.
Don Ebubeogu is an exceptionally brilliant entrepreneur, who has over the years dedicated his expertise in building the Tiger Brand. A humble Chief Executive who has leveraged on his vast association with global players to understudy and understand the nitty-gritty of Corporate Governance. He believes a lot in innovation, team work and consumer trends as cutting edge in strategy. Today the Tiger brands like Larsor, Euroma, Vegeta are commanding a large market size in the industry.

Tiger brands within 10 years have cut into a market that was naturally dominated by multinationals with huge financial war chest.
Don Ebubeogu and his team exemplifies that with innovation, grit and focus, one can transform a small company into a major player with sizable market share big enough to sit on the table with global players in the industry.
Tiger Foods Ltd recently launched the Tiger Beans Brand through its subsidiary, Tiger farms. The global food market size is over 8 trillion dollars, it is also projected that the African food market will be worth 1 trillion dollars by 2030 and unfortunately, Nigeria is not doing enough to tap into the global food trade.
This challenge is what Don and his team at Tiger Foods Ltd are taking head on.

Tiger Beans is a top quality product that went through all the global quality control measures, from the steam sterilization model that reduces loads, kills insects and weevils to the air screen cleaner that removes dust, light impurities and sticks. The product also passes through a magnetic separator to remove metal parts and soil, a gravity separator is also deployed to separate the good and the bad beans.
This high level of high-tech driven food processing has earned the Tiger Beans an acceptance with American Food and Drug Agency (FDA).
As part of its pre-launch activities, the company is giving away 5000 packets of well packaged Tiger Beans to Nigerian families.
The success of the Tiger Beans brand will be a major milestone in the company’s strategic plans a major laurel in a cabinet already filled with laurels.