I learned this recently and you can learn it too: You have a unique opportunity to turn your dreams into reality in 2023 and no other time.
Do these 7 simple things:
- Don’t limit yourself by what you think you can or can’t do. You can do almost ANYTHING you set your mind on. Just believing this WITH ALL YOUR HEART will make a lot of difference. So, take time NOW to AFFIRM it in your head and heart.
- Make up your mind to break up COMPLETELY with your negative past. It can be done. Many have done it. YOU can do it. And, until you do it, don’t ever expect any real progress in your life.
- Visualize EXACTLY how you want your life to be by the end of 2023. Make it as vivid and as colourful as possible. Focus on it so much that you feel you already have it. If you do this well, your emotions will tell you: You’d feel so good that you tend to forget all your past negative experiences.
- Resolve to let your visualized world reflect in your positive talks ALWAYS. No one whose life is OK talks trash.
- Make friends with people who are bigger and better than you in the kind of life you visualized.
- Far above 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, prioritize your faith in the Higher Power. Whatever you call the Higher Power, what matters most is that you prioritize your faith in XYZ (where ‘XYZ’ refers to your Higher Power).
- Share this with as many people in your circle as possible. This makes you automatically accountable to them. Thus, when you start slacking mid-year, someone is certain to remind you how you are falling short of what you ‘preached’ to them.
That’s all. Truth is always simple but proved in ACTION. So, don’t waste your time: Try it and see it… from NOW.