The undertakings of the management of Nnamdi Azikiwe University administration led by the Vice Chancellor, Prof Charles Okechukwu Esimone FAS, FPSN and the staff of the institution, geared towards the repositioning of the university for global prominence through Project200 are paying off. AnambraPeople reports.
Project200 has touched every aspect of the University including research, teaching and administration.
The investment made in digitalizing processes for greater efficiency, which though was initially met with great resistance resulting from the fear of the unknown, is now yielding the desired dividend and everyone is happy about it. For UNIZIK, it is forward ever. As if they wanted to validate our progress and increasing visibility in the global stage, Times Higher Education, a foremost global ranking body, recently released the maiden University ranking for sub-Saharan Africa where Nnamdi Azikiwe University was ranked at No. 4 position in Nigeria and No. 31 in sub-Saharan Africa. This is a testament to how far we have gone in repositioning the University for Global Relevance which ultimately comes with immense benefit.

Such benefits include improved global patronage which will result in more beneficial research collaborations with frontline universities to enable frontier research and cross-fertilization of ideas through interactions. Such interactions lead to transformation of attitude from the can’t do to can do attitude that enables researcher undertake daring projects to produce daring outcomes.
The University is very grateful to the research staff as well as the support staff who make things happen from different offices. We expect you to do more because the journey has just started. The reward for good work is more work.