The Ijele is not just a masquerade; no! There is no such thing as the Ijele Masquerade in the real sense of the term. Igbos have big and small masquerades. There are many of them. But the Ijele is not one of the masquerades. It is not a big masquerade. And that is because it is Ijele: and Ijele cannot be anything other than what it is, namely, IJELE.
As was once said here long ago: There are masquerades and then there is the Ijele. The latter does not dance for money because it is sufficient unto itself. It does not try to entertain anyone, because that is beneath its dignity. It does not ask anyone to get out of the way when it is coming, because it cannot contemplate that anything would possible want to stand in its way. It expects, and knows, that people would know what to do.

Yes, the average person considers it an honour to help clear the way when he hears (even before confirming) that the Ijele is approaching. That is why its ‘presence’ always precedes it. Who, or what, will stand in the way when the ijele is afoot? It is just not done!
The Ijele does not ask the big and small masquerades to leave the Village Square when it wants to enter. They have to. They are not the Ijele. They are masquerades and that is the essential difference. The Ijele must take pre-eminence as a matter of course. And, mind you, there is no question of arrogance or preposterous self-inflationsion here. It is the nature of the Ijele to live thus.
So do not expect that it would acknowledge the cheer and applause of the crowd, No. Do not also expect that it would genuflect and thank anyone for getting out of the way as it approaches. Absurd! There is no contemptuous air of superiority on display here no. It is just the natural majesty conferred on the Ijele by its very identity, as well as the triumph of the Aristocratic Principle of Nature.
The Ijele’s majesty is inherent in, and internal to, it. What can you give to Ijele? How would you even approach it in order to bestow anything on it? Who are you to enter the square while it walks the square? Please note this: there are masquerades and then there is the Ijele.
ATTACHED PHOTO: Professor Obiora Okonkwo OFR, (Dikeora) joined by the highly revered IJELE Inwele to bid his last respects to the late High Chief Samuel Ajaefo Mendu (Ọnwa Oyoko Ogidi)